May 06, 2020
Did you miss our previous' Small Business Spotlight Series spotlights? If so, below are more spotlights on some of our favorite equine businesses and professionals:
1) Equivont – An Online Marketplace
2) Rose of Sharon Equestrian School – Therapeutic Riding Facility
3) StableStyle – Online resource for inspiration and dream barns.
There are two types of photos in the world of horses. The first type is a quick iPhone photo – whether it is of rolling hills, the barn, action shots of yourself at a competition, or simply a photo of your horse being a goofball.
The second type is a professional photograph.
The differences between an "amateur" photo and a professional photo go beyond just the photo quality and file. A high quality, professional equestrian photo captures details such as the human-horse bond, the variety of emotions, and other intricate details.
In this week's Small Business Spotlight Series feature, we're proud to feature one of our fellow clients, Bethany Pastorial who runs Bethany P Photography.
Bethany P Photography is more than just a photography business. During projects, Bethany becomes your creative director. She becomes who can take all your Pinterest boards, unicorn fantasies, and love you have for your horse and translate it into heartfelt, genuine photos. Bethany is the storyteller passionate about capturing your relationship with your horse.
We recently had a chance to sit down with Bethany to learn more about her journey, how she is handling COVID-19, and more!
Q: What is your background?
A: I was the stereotypical horse crazy girl growing up in the suburbs with Breyer models and a ton of Saddle Club books. Every time we passed a horse farm I’d press my nose to the car window - you can still catch me doing that!
I started riding lessons when I was 6 on the old grey Arabian mare and “the phase” has never left. From Arabians to cutting horses to the IHSA, I’ve hopped from English to western and back to English again. After college, I bought my first horse, Riptide. He’s my personal version of my favorite movie - The Black Stallion. We’ve shown all over the east coast in the Arabian breed circuit, but these days we’re a retired team doing what I call “backyard dressage.”
Photography has me on the road several weeks of the year so I enjoy pleasure riding my horses at home when I can on my farm in Missouri.
Q: Do you have any horses yourself? If so, what kind?
A: Yes! I have two horses - a 21 year old half Arabian gelding named Riptide and a 7 year old off track Thoroughbred named Morris.
This past November we purchased a 28 acre farm and turned a 30 x 50 cattle shed into a modest two stall barn. The day we brought the boys home fulfilled every childhood dream I had.
Q: How did your photography business begin?
A: I’d always loved horses and photography, but it wasn’t until 2014 that I put the two together when my horse, Riptide, foundered.
As I sat there icing his hooves, I scrolled through my phone at all the photos I had of him - selfies with his goofy nose on my shoulder, videos from our riding lessons, photos bought at horse shows. None of them really represented what it was like to love this horse, so the first thing I did when we were out of the woods was schedule a photo shoot. I realized no one should have to feel that way about a horse they love, so I married my two passions into Bethany P Photography.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your business and profession?
A: Every client - whether a private owner or a business - has an incredible story to tell and every story is completely different. I love the creative challenge of bringing that story to life. When my clients get excited looking at the back of my camera, it brings me the biggest sense of fulfillment because I know I’m nailing their vision.
I’m so humbled when someone decides I’m the right person to tell their story because as a horse lover myself I 100% understand the emotions that come with it.
Q: How has COVID-19 affected Bethany P Photography so far?
A: It’s certainly an anxious time to be a creative sole member entrepreneur right now, especially since my business relies very heavily on meeting someone face to face.
Several sessions have had to be rescheduled or placed on hold until it’s safe to travel as I take clients all over the country. So COVID-19 has made an impact on my business’s schedule for sure.
But one positive outcome from COVID-19 has been the influx of online communication which has never before been so frequent of candid. I’m not a fan of the term “social distancing” as I feel it’s really more “physical distancing,” and there are still plenty of opportunities to connect with others outside the four walls of our homes.
So while my business has certainly pumped the brakes on what is normally a busy season, I’ve tried to remain positive and continue talking to my clients and audiences - keeping the lines of communication open and honest while sharing in the common plight we’re all in.
Q: What tip would you give other businesses similar to Bethany P Photography (i.e. professional photographers, branding and marketing agencies, etc) during these tough times?
A: Stay positive and continue communicating with your audience. As creatives within the industry, we’re really supplying others with a distraction during tough times. Being that positive element will not only support your community but also position yourself as a leader when we emerge from this storm.
Just remember, it will be over one day, and we will return to the world with cameras in hand ready to capture the joy of returning to the ring, spending time with our four legged friends, and the industry’s road to recovery.
You can learn more about what is the heart and soul of Bethany P Photography in the video below:
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
American Stalls, LLC
(855) 957-8255
American Stalls, an industry leader in custom equine equipment, is proud to announce its supreme level sponsorship of the League of Agricultural and Equine Centers.
The Sponsorship will start effective immediately on April 16, 2020 and extend through the remainder of the 2020 calendar year.
"The League of Agricultural and Equine Centers is excited about our newest Sponsor American Stalls joining the League. We rely on sponsors to support our mission and to provide information and quality products to our members,” said The League’s Executive Administrator Lynne Dickinson.
The move to sponsor the League was a natural transition for American Stalls. The company has worked with several member organizations of the League since the company’s original inception in 2006. This sponsorship demonstrates the strong alignment between our two organizations’ and a commitment to promote a mutual interest and passion: the promotion of high-quality equine equipment to meet the highest standards and safety of the equestrian community.
About American Stalls
Established in 2005, American Stalls is a leader in supplying innovative equine equipment to private barn owners and large commercial facilities across the world. American Stalls is a family owned and operated business to this day. We have more than 30 years of experience in the global steel industry – supplying high-quality products to the construction, electrical, and steel making industries. The American Stalls combines this steel background with our 15 years of trusted experience in the equestrian world. Over the past 15 years, we have worked with thousands of clients and manufactured over 8,500 horse stalls.
Today, American Stalls designs and manufactures custom made equine equipment including stall fronts, stall partitions, wash bays, grooming bays, portable horse stall systems, and flooring solutions. Our mission is to supply high-quality infrastructure that enables sustainable, long-term growth at equestrian facilities.
About The League of Agricultural and Equine Centers
The League of Agricultural and Equine Centers is a recognized professional organization that supports and promotes management personnel and maintenance procedures at agricultural and equine facilities. We are a primary resource for industry education, networking and advocacy for our members.
April 13, 2020
Did you miss previous weeks' Small Business Spotlight Series? If so, not to worry! Please see below for prior weeks' spotlight pieces:
1) Equivont – An Online Marketplace
2) Rose of Sharon Equestrian School – Therapeutic Riding Facility
Have you ever found yourself on Instagram? You swear to yourself that you'll limit your usage to five minutes – only to find yourself mindlessly scrolling through dream barns two hours later.
We often have a similar experience with Pinterest. We promise to limit our screen time, but end up pinning 200 pins and creating six boards full of home decor ideas, dream barn ideas, and more!
If you're nodding your head, chances are that you're familiar with this week's Small Business Spotlight Series feature – the popular Stable Style blog.
Stable Style, founded by Raquel Lynn, is a website dedicated to inspiring you as a reader with beautiful barns and stables. The goal is to excite you with barn and stable tours, renovations, and more.
Our team has enjoyed working with Stable Style in creating pieces about our American Stalls equine equipment. Over the years, we've found that Stable Style delivers tremendous value and inspiration to its readers.
We recently had a chance to sit down with Raquel and ask a few questions about her story. Read more below!
Q: What is your background?
A: I'm a full-time blogger and freelance writer for several equestrian publications. My first blog, Horses & Heels has been around for ten years. It started out as a passion project which I was able to monetize and turn into a career.
I grew up on a 400-acre dairy farm in northeast Ohio. I was lucky enough to be one of those girls who grew up with a pony. My mom rode and passed on the horse crazy genes. I grew up showing just about every discipline. Eventually I decided just to stick to barrel racing and competed throughout Ohio with the National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA). My whole life has been based around horses and so is my career.
Q: Do you have any horses yourself? If so, what kind?
A: I have a registered Paint Horse, HH Indys Nu Daisy aka Fira. I'm lucky to keep her at home in my urban neighborhood in Los Angeles.
Q: How did Stable Style begin?
A: Stable Style started out as a section on my blog, Horses & Heels. I loved sharing my "Stable Style" content so much that inspired me to create a dedicated platform for it. I realized it was a popular niche and that I wanted to start its own blog.
I grabbed the Instagram handle in December of 2015 and launched in the spring of 2016. I've always loved interior design and architecture - this is the way I fuse that passion together with horses.
Q: What products/services does Stable Style offer?
A: Stable Style generates free content for readers all around the world. I offer a variety of advertising packages and listings for equestrian brands, especially barn related niches.
Q: What do you enjoy most about operating Stable Style?
A: I enjoy sharing barn tours, chatting with owners, architects and owning a happy platform. My goal is to be a source of inspiration for every equestrian.
“A barn is a sanctuary in an unsettled world, a sheltered place where life’s true priorities are clear. When you take a step back, it’s not just about horses — it’s about love, life, and learning. We honor our horses for their brave hearts, courage and willingness to give. Indeed, horses have the hearts of warriors and often carry us into and out fields of personal battles. Those who know them understand how fully a horse can hold a human heart.”
– Lauren Davis Baker
Q: How has COVID-19 affected Stable Style so far?
A: My blog traffic is up 40% right now, so that's wonderful. Advertising network rates have dropped over 50% which is taking a toll on revenue for me. However my private advertisers are benefiting from the traffic. I am lucky enough to always work from home so that hasn't changed for me.
Q: What tip would you give other businesses similar to StableStyle (i.e. online retailers, online tack shops, etc) during these tough times?
A: Remain active on Instagram and social media during this time. Your customers are spending more time online right now. While sales might be down, there are still lots of active shoppers looking for a deal. Take the time to tackle projects you wouldn't normally get to do during this time.
To learn more about Stable Style and its fantastic barn resources, please check out the website here.
April 13, 2020
Last week, we kicked off the first round of our Small Business Spotlight Series on Equivont. As our equine community navigates COVID-19, we wanted to continue to spotlight equine businesses that do tremendous work.
This week, we'd love to feature one of our lovely clients: Rose of Sharon Equestrian School (ROSES) located in Glen Arm, MD.
ROSES, founded by Joan Marie Twining, provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to develop basic horsemanship and stable management skills in a uniquely therapeutic environment.
In 2019, our American Stalls team had the opportunity of working with Joan when ROSES purchased an Elite Show Series MINI stall.
Ever since, we have seen firsthand the impact that ROSES makes to the local Maryland community.
We recently had a chance to sit down with Joan and ask a few questions about their story. Read more below!
Q: How did Rose of Sharon Equestrian School (ROSES) begin?
A: The planning of ROSES began in 1993, when a carpenter with 12 acres of family farmland married a special educator who had a dream to help students with disabilities through her love of horses.
By the summer of 1997, ground was broken for the construction of an ADA-compliant Therapeutic Horsemanship Program. ROSES was granted IRS 501(c)(3) status in 1998. By the spring of the following year, the equine portion of the stable was completed, and two donated horses, Merlin and Fancy, made ROSES their home.
Over the course of the next two years, on nights and weekends, construction continued, with the addition of an accessible restroom, tack room, feed room, mounting ramp, and outdoor riding ring – designed and surfaced with the special needs horse and rider in mind.
At last, in the fall of 2001, ROSES welcomed the school’s first two therapeutic riding students.
Q: What is ROSES's mission?
A: ROSES’s mission is to partner with horses to facilitate change, growth and healing in individuals with special needs. It’s the change, growth and healing we have been privileged to witness over the last 20 years that is at the heart of our mission and the most rewarding aspect of our work.
The benefits transfer to our students’ lives beyond the scope of the School as we continue to see the way the program positively impacts not only the students, but everyone involved, from our horses to our volunteers, to our board members and beyond.
Q: What do you enjoy most about operating ROSES?
A: The most enjoyable thing about operating ROSES is the way the life of everyone involved seems to be so deeply enriched by that involvement. People who have been students or volunteers from a decade ago will pop back around and feel as though they never left.
Q: How has COVID-19 impacted ROSES so far?
A: COVID-19 has seriously impacted ROSES in that classes are cancelled, fundraising parties are postponed, and donations have dried up. This is anxiety producing for a small charitable organization. We do not receive government funding and rely on individual contributions, fundraising proceeds, and minimal fees for service in order to operate.
While we realize we are not as vital a need as food and shelter, we believe human needs include physical, mental and social/emotional well-being, as well. We are doing all we can to hold steady until students can return to the farm or we can travel to them. We have been approached by a local hospital to develop a program for patients and their families, as well as one to help address staff morale.
Q: What are you most excited about the future?
A: I am excited to see how the next chapter of ROSES will unfold. Our facility has room to grow in terms of the number of people served. We were prepared to embark on a mobile program with our two miniature horses, Cooper and Ginger, before the pandemic hit.
We will be ready to go once restrictions are lifted and we all believe that our services will be needed more than ever once that happens.
Q: What tip would you give other businesses (similar to ROSES) during these tough times?
A: Don’t panic, don’t get bogged down in catastrophic thinking. Try to remain creative, seek advice from and consider partnerships with others...I read something recently by the economist/philosopher Michael Singer. He said: “No solution can possibly exist while you’re lost in the energy of a problem.” We are holding onto that bit of advice at ROSES and believing that there are better days ahead!
“No solution can possibly exist while you’re lost in the energy of a problem.”
- Michael Singer
To learn more about Rose of Sharon Equestrian School and it’s fantastic Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, please check out their website here.
April 09, 2020
Welcome to the first round of our Small Business Spotlight Series at American Stalls!
It's currently April 7, 2020 – a time where we are dealing with the ramifications of COVID-19. We are not only dealing with this virus as individuals, but as a greater equine community. Our American Stalls team realizes just how much this virus will impact our communities, our businesses, and our day-to-day lives. For this reason, we wanted to begin this Small Business Feature Series to help feature fantastic equine businesses.
This week, we'd like to feature one of our e-commerce partners: Equivont.
Equivont, founded by Jaclyn and Jessica, is an online marketplace and directory service created by equestrians for equestrians.
Our American Stalls team began to advertise and sell our select product line on Equivont during the early Winter of 2019. Their online marketplace is a fantastic platform for other equine product businesses, sales and training operations, and a wide variety of equine businesses. Below is an example profile that one can set up on Equivont user friendly website:
We've had a wonderful experience with Equivont and believe it is a huge asset for many other equine businesses.
We recently had a chance to sit down with Equivont's founders, Jessica and Jaclyn, and ask a few questions about their story. Read more below!
Q: What are your backgrounds?
A: Jaclyn – I have been riding since I could walk! After college, I rode professionally for several years before joining Jessica in the tech world. I now enjoy riding as an amateur in hunter/jumper divisions and love connecting with other passionate equestrians!
Jessica - I grew up riding horses in Southern California. During high school and college, I rode professionally and decided to take a stab at the tech world after graduating. I spent many years in sales, business development, customer success and marketing roles in marketing software companies and would “sneak away” to ride horses early in the morning or late in the evening. I wanted a way to merge my software background with my passion for horses.
Q: How did Equivont begin?
A: Out of selfish need! We got frustrated trying to research equestrian services online when word of mouth didn’t work. We quickly realized how outdated information was. Searching on Google or Yelp were too broad for our needs. We partnered up to create an environment where equestrians could find what they are looking for by partnering with reputable service providers and businesses with high quality products.
Q: What products/services does Equivont offer?
A: Everything you would need for you or your horse. Trainers, stable supplies, farriers, vets, tack, apparel, equipment, horses for sale/lease, events and jobs.
"Now is the time to evolve and be creative. We get to help one another through these uncertain times. Now is the time to decide what really matters in life and in business."
Q: What do you enjoy most about operating Equivont?
A: Helping small equestrian businesses be found by the people who are looking for them. Oh! And talking about horses.
Q: How has COVID-19 affected Equivont so far?
A: So far we have seen an increase in traffic- people who aren’t used to working from home or having time off are spending more time on their computers and phones. Some businesses are having to pause production or the services they provide due to the COVID restrictions. A lot of these businesses are using this time to get organized and finally tackle the marketing/website development/etc that has been put on the back burner.
Q: What tip would you give other businesses similar to Equivont (i.e. online retailers, online tack shops, etc) during these tough times?
A: Keep going! Worrying has never solved any problems. Now is the time to evolve and be creative. We get to help one another through these uncertain times. Now is the time to decide what really matters in life and in business.
To learn more about Equivont and it's fantastic online marketplace, please check out the informational video below and check out their website here.
May 29, 2019
Wind direction.
Sunrise and sunset times.
Thanks to fantastic weather apps, we all have expert weather information at the palm of our hands.
Yet, there's more to consider than the above elements when determining if it’s too hot to ride this summer.
Here are some practical tips to help you make the call when you ask, “how hot is too hot?” for equestrian activities:
Maybe on those really hot, humid days where there’s no wind, no cloud cover, and the sun is beating down, it’s time for an easy groundwork review, an extra grooming session, or a thorough tack cleaning!
Read more on Summer Care – 9 Essential Summer Care Tips For Your Horse
May 29, 2019
May 13, 2019
Summers in Virginia mean uncomfortable amounts of heat and humidity. The average summer temperatures in Northern Virginia reach the upper 80’s.
Regardless of your region, Summer naturally brings hotter temperatures that require proactive planning.
Summer weather can bring a variety of health hazards if you own a horse. These health hazards can include everything from dehydration to pesky bug problems to heatstrokes.
Horses are usually able to cope well with heat and humidity, but extra care in management can go a long way. Here are a few ways you can keep your horse healthy and cool this Summer:
April 16, 2019
Across North America, equestrians trust American Stalls for premium horse stall equipment that prioritizes safety, durability, and aesthetics. While lower-cost options exist, our commitment to quality sets us apart—whether it's custom European stalls or portable expo stalls.
March 06, 2019
Do you run a small or medium-sized equestrian business (including training facility, breeding facility, polo club, etc)?
Do you operate a large horse show, rodeo, stock show, horse expo, or fairgrounds?
Do you have an upcoming barn remodeling project?
OR are you simply adding new stalls to your existing facilities?
Every stalls project has its share of complexities whether it's for 20 stalls or 2,000 stalls. It is crucial to fully understand the complexities since horse stalls are often a significant capital investment for equestrian facilities.
This combines with the fact that horse stalls are often the first thing your customers will see and use on your facility's premises.
That is why it is crucial to purchase stall equipment that will:
Based on more than a decade of experience, here is a guide that walks business owners through crucial questions in planning for horse stalls.
January 23, 2019
A clean barn is vital to your horse’s well-being, but keeping stalls, feed rooms, and wash bays free from bacteria can be a challenge. While full sterilization isn’t possible, thorough disinfection—especially after illness—can help create a safer environment. Here’s how to maintain a healthier barn for your horses.
January 16, 2019
I don’t live in the state of Virginia. Can I still purchase stall equipment from American Stalls?
We are located just outside Washington D.C., but our customers are all over North America. Our stall equipment serves personal and commercial facilities all over the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Our expert logistics team can coordinate the best transportation to help your stall equipment reach your barn via the quickest, most efficient method.
What gauge of steel will my stalls be? What does that mean?
The gauge of steel describes the thickness of the wall of steel tubing or sheet steel. A lower gauge signifies a thicker steel. American Stalls uses heavy (low) gauge steel when constructing our products.
For example, our portable horse stalls feature 14-gauge steel while our permanent horse stalls feature 12-gauge steel.
Helpful tip: Lower golf scores = better score. Steel gauges work the same way. The lower the gauge, the thicker the steel.
How difficult are these stalls or gates to install?
We pride ourselves in building equine equipment that is simple to use.
At the time of delivery, our team provides an installation guide. This document will help you and/or your local builder install your new equipment with ease.
We prep all of our equipment with pre-drilled holes and include connector pins to ensure easy installation. Lastly, American Stalls is always on-hand to answer any installation questions that you or your builder may have.
How will my order be delivered?
Our logistics team helps our clients once paperwork and payment is complete.
We coordinate delivery using the quickest, most efficient methods using
Transit begins once the stall equipment is picked up by a third-party freight carrier from our facility. The client is then contacted for delivery by the third-party driver.
Please note that all delivery and shipping times are estimated – not guaranteed. American Stalls cannot coordinate exact delivery times and windows. However, the client can coordinate with the third-party freight carrier once contacted by the driver.
Will I need any equipment to unload my equipment during delivery?
We strongly recommend that customers arrange forklifts prior to delivery. We recommend two forklifts with long forks (not fork extensions) – rated with a capacity of at least 6,000 lbs.
We provide additional delivery recommendations to clients once an order is processed.
Can I pick up my order from American Stalls?
Yes, our clients can pick up their American Stalls stall equipment from our facility in Baltimore, Maryland.
What is the best way to care for my horse stall finish?
A working horse barn’s environment is subject to several variables – including everyday wear-and-tear, weather conditions, and more.
We often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of barn life, but you can preserve your stalls’ finish in a few easy steps!
Keep an eye on items that hang from your stalls including halters, feed bags, blanket bars, bridle hooks, and more. Over time, the constant wearing can mar or scratch the finish. I’s crucial to address scratches and scrapes as soon as they occur.
Contact American Stalls for assistance in finding touch-up paint to fix those small blemishes before they become bigger issues.
Can I return my American Stalls equine equipment?
American Stalls does not accept returns or offer refunds. However, if a return is accepted, then the return will be subject to a restocking fee. Additionally, the client will be responsible for arranging and payment of return shipping. Any returned stall equipment must be in new condition with original packaging in sellable condition. More information can be found in our Sales Terms and Conditions.
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