January 25, 2021
As horse people, we understand that horse stalls are significant investments for any horse barn.
Although we custom build fully welded horse stalls, we understand that clients often want some cushion and flexibility when it comes to costs. That is why we also offer horse stall kits.
Our horse stall kits are designed to provide you high quality horse stall components while striking a balance with costs. These kit stall components allow you to build safe, durable, and properly engineered stalls with minimal carpentry work. Our horse stall kits include some combination of:
Horse stall fronts usually will include grillwork, u-channels, and a stall door of your choice. Horse stall partitions will include grillwork, u-channels, and wall stiffeners.
Horse Stall Kit Components – Explained:
U-Channels are vertical steel channels that hold the tongue and groove lumber in place. We manufacture our u-channels in two lengths including 4′ and 8′.
4′ U-channels are often used for stall front sections and horse stall partitions. Once installed, a client can then install grillwork on top of the installed tongue and groove lumber. 8′ U-channels are often used for full wood partitions between horse stalls.
Grillwork is also known as a “horse stall window” or “grate.” Grillwork is usually installed along the top halves of stall fronts and stall partitions. Our grillwork include the following standard specifications:
Our stall front and stall divider grillwork uses concealed welding so our steel bars are punched through laser cut steel frame. The bars are then welded on the interior of the frame. All welds are then out of sight on the underside of the channels. This is a small detail, but adds to the longevity and durability of your horse stall.
Wall Stiffeners
Wall stiffeners, otherwise known as wall braces, add more rigidity to your stall walls. They achieve this by connecting the tongue and groove lumber boards together. Wall stiffeners are most commonly used for horse stall partitions, but can also be used for stall fronts.
All wall stiffeners are constructed of heavy-duty 14-GA United States steel and come with proper fasteners.
Stall Doors
There are two primary types of stall doors including hinged stall doors and sliding stall doors.
Hinged stall doors make for a beautiful, traditional look. Clients often use our Stall Gates as their primary stall doors. More often though, we see that clients use our hinged Stall Gates as a complement to an existing sliding stall door. Regardless of your choice, clients should account that hinged stall doors require more aisle space since the door swings outwards. For this reason, we usually recommend clients to account for at least 12' for their horse barn's aisle width.
The second option, Sliding horse stall doors, tend to be the most popular among horse barns. This stall door style is generally more safe than hinged stall doors. This is because sliding stall doors slide alongside a horse stall front. As a result, the sliding horse stall door lies flush with the existing stall front. This means that the sliding stall door is not protruding or sticking out in a horse barn's aisle. When deciding on kit stall, the stall door is often the one place where the client spends time on their decision.
Do you have more questions regarding a horse stall kit? Our team has put together a helpful guide to provide more images and information regarding our horse stall kit options. You can download this guide by clicking here (Dropbox link).
Additionally, our team of experts is here to help you decide between the various options including sliding stall doors, hinged stall gates, grillwork sizes, and so much more. Contact our team today and one of our reps will be in touch within 24 hours.
January 14, 2021
A well-designed boarding barn balances efficiency, flexibility, and horse care. From strategic barn location and traffic flow to stall upgrades and flooring choices, every detail impacts your business. Discover how to create a space that supports both horse health and operational ease in Optimizing Your Boarding Barn Business.
December 18, 2020
One popular topic among our clients is how to set up the perfect foaling stall.
After all, you have invested a great deal – including a hefty stud fee, top-notch care, regular vet visits, and a high-quality nutrition program for your mare. Let’s also not forget the hours of effort that you have put into caring for your mare through her pregnancy. That being said, you’ve had the easy job as she’s the one who’s had to carry this goal for the past year.
Now, let’s talk about your soon-to-be new born foal. As a new born, your foal will likely be a tad clumsy and have less-than-desired vision. As he gets older, he will gradually becomes more aware of his surroundings. Over time, he'll develop curiosity which means that he’ll explore every inch of his stall. Similar to a newborn baby, every object and point serves as a potential hazard.
As you set up the foaling stall, we strongly recommend to think about safety, cleanliness, and convenience. Here's how to set up a safe, comfortable environment for your new arrival.
Stall Size:
Bigger isn’t always better, but smaller is almost always worse. Your mare needs space to roll around and get comfortable during her pregnancy. At a minimum, we recommend a 12’x18’ stall. An ideal foaling stall size is 12x24 or 20x20.
That being said, we understand that stall space is a premium in just about any barn. That is why we suggest to design your stalls with a hinged, swinging horse stall partition.
This hinged partition gives you the flexibility to transform two 12x12 stalls into a large 12x24 stall for foaling. Lastly, a hinged partition gives you the ability to create a spacious environment that your mare needs to comfortably and safely deliver.
If you'd like to see how our Hinged Stall Partitions can be transformed into the perfect setup for foaling horse stalls, check out this video. It provides a detailed demonstration of our Stall Partitions and Hinged Stall Partitions, and shows how these partitions are designed for flexibility and safety, ensuring an ideal environment for mares and foals.
A horse stall must be bedded to provide comfort to your mare, but also be safe for her newborn baby. Thick bedding is required and the stall must be kept clean. We recommend to end with foal-friendly bedding such as clean straw. Breeders prefer clean straw since it is not porous like wood shavings or sawdust. These porous materials can harbor bacteria that can make your foal sick.
In addition to traditional bedding, we highly recommend a stall mattress system. Our StableComfort flooring creates the perfect environment to keep your foal comfortable and safe. Our mattress system is proven to be the equivalent of about 4-6 inches of wood shavings.
In addition, while standing, this mattress system provides a supportive, even surface for your horses. While lying down, this mattress system helps provide plenty of support for your mare to rest. Lastly, StableComfort provides great, anti-slip footing for your energetic and active newborn foal.
Inspect Your Stall
It is a given that your mare – weighing close to 1,300 lbs – will lean, push, and test the limits of your horse stalls. She’s nesting and wants to make sure that she is safe.The same can be said about your newborn, curious foal. That is why your stall walls – including stall fronts and partitions – need to be free from any protruding elements. Inspect your stalls for protrusions that include feed bins, hay racks, tie rings, exposed steel components, and any exposed wood edges. Additionally, it is recommended to invest in strong horse stall partitions and hardware that will withstand her impact.
One great way to bolster your horse stall is to install our StableWall kits. These foam panels are designed with 1-1/2” foam and covered with a 1/4” thick rubber cover. These StableWalls create the perfect environment for your mare and foal to prevent injuries, prevent casting, and create a safer overall stall environment.
The above tips are in addition to our recommended standards for horse stall and barns. This means barn design and stall design that allows for ample airflow and ventilation. It means electrical wiring, water lines, and utilities to be well protected from their equine occupants. Lastly, it means that your horse stalls are built from heavy-duty materials, mindfully crafted, and designed with safety in mind.
Please reach out if you have any questions. You can get in touch with the team at American Stalls by giving us a call at (855) 957-8255 or filling out an inquiry form.
December 10, 2020
Airflow is a top priority for horse owners, no matter the climate. The right stall front design can significantly impact ventilation, equine health, and overall barn comfort. In this article, we explore how different materials, especially mesh, influence airflow in horse stalls.
November 09, 2020
Horse stalls come in all sorts of designs and sizes.
Among all of the available options, it is certain that your horse will spend a lot of time in their horse stall. In addition to the basics for comfortable and safe horse stalls, there are a lot of add-ons that can add safety, elegance, and function.
During the purchasing process, we walk clients through a variety of add-ons. Although these add-ons drive up the cost upfront, they are priceless in the long run. These add-ons are valuable because they:
Here is a concise list of 5 upgrades to consider when making your upcoming horse stall purchase:
Mesh or Grilled Bottoms
Steel mesh or steel bars allow for optimal ventilation in a horse stall. Aside from ventilation, steel mesh and grilled bottoms also allow a horse owner to look down the aisle or into the stall as they walk down the aisle. This way, an owner can always maintain visibility of their horses. The only drawback is that bedding can be kicked into the aisles. To combat that, we recommend to add bedding guards to the bottom of each stall door.
Removable or Closable Yoke
A yoke is the opening in a horse stall door through which a horse can hang his or head outside of the horse stall. Yokes come in all sorts of styles including V-Shaped yokes, square yokes, rectangular yokes, and more.
Horse owners - especially in busier commercial barns - don't like the idea of allowing a horse to hang their head in the aisle-way. This is because some horse owners are concerned that their sale horse will bite incoming visitors.
One option to add function and versatility is a closable yoke.
You can add a closable yoke by either having a completely removable yoke piece or a hinged, drop down yoke. At American Stalls, we tend to recommend our clients to consider removable yokes as opposed to hinged, drop down yokes. This is because horses tend to be playful and play with the yoke that has folded down on the door. To avoid the playful nature and any shenanigans, we tend to recommend removable yokes.
Feed Doors
Feed doors come in the form of large-grilled feed doors that swing outwards. These doors are built into stall fronts so our clients can feed quicker and easier. These feed doors are especially helpful if you have barn help that is unfamiliar with horses. This way, the individual does not have to enter the horse stalls to provide feed or water.
Automatic Waterers
Automatic waterers are usually installed in either the horse stall's corner or mounted into the stall front. Automatic waters have the advantage as they allow for a constant source of clean water available to your horse. They are also easy to clean.
Sliding Stall Doors
This is not necessarily an "add-on," but we do tend to recommend sliding stall doors as opposed to hinged stall doors.
A sliding stall door allows you to save time in opening and closing the door every time the horse is turned out. In regards to safety, sliding horse stalls are easier to open and close. In the event of a fire or other emergency, a human handler can easily slide open the stall doors, lock them in place, and attend to other stalls. In contrast, hinged stall doors pose a safety hazard when left unlatched in an aisle. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you consider a sliding horse stall door that can lots of long-term value.
Do you have more questions regarding your existing stall doors or a new stalls project? Contact us today and our team would be happy to assist with any questions and project planning.
Below are more helpful resources and articles recently shared by our American Stalls team:
October 27, 2020
Most horse stall products fall under the following 2 categories:
A client's construction skills, intended design, and budget will often determine which of the two styles are right for your project.
The Horse Stall Kit
Horse stall kits are sold in a variety of "pieces" that a client will then assemble themselves. A horse stall kit includes components such as:
Horse stall kits tend to be more cost-effective when compared to fully welded horse stall panels. Kit stalls are more cost-effective because there is less welding and labor involved during the manufacturing process.
That being said, horse stall kits do require more time during the actual installation process. This added time can sometimes drive up the cost if a client is using a contractor to install the horse stalls.
Kit Stall Components | Explained
U-Channels are vertical steel channels that hold the horse stall's tongue and groove lumber in place. They come in two lengths including 4' and 8'.
4' U-channels are often used for stall front sections and horse stall partitions – allowing for grill sections on top. In contrast, 8' U-channels are often used for full wood partitions between horse stalls.
Grillwork is also known as a "horse stall window" or "grate." Grillwork is usually installed along the top halves of stall fronts and stall partitions. Our grillwork include the following standard specifications:
Similar to our fully welded stall panels, our grillwork uses concealed welding. This means that our steel bars are punched through the steel frame and channels. The bars are then welded on the inside. All welds are then out of sight on the underside of the channels. This is a small detail, but adds to the longevity and durability of your horse stall.
Wall Stiffeners
Wall stiffeners, otherwise known as wall braces, add more rigidity to your stall walls. They achieve this by connecting the tongue and groove lumber boards together. Wall stiffeners are most commonly used for horse stall partitions, but can also be used for stall fronts.
All wall stiffeners are constructed of heavy-duty 14-GA United States steel and come with proper fasteners.
Stall Doors
There are two primary types of stall doors including hinged stall doors and sliding stall doors.
Hinged stall doors have a beautiful look, but require more aisle way space as the door swings outwards. Sliding horse stall doors are safer since they slide alongside a stall front. This means that there is one less protruding element in a horse barn's aisle. When deciding on kit stall, the stall door is often the one place where the client spends time on their decision.
The Fully Welded Horse Stall System
In contrast to kit horse stalls, fully welded horse stall systems are panel systems that are prefabricated steel frames.
This means that the stall panels are ready to install the minute they deliver to your farm. Once unloaded from the flatbed truck, fully welded panels are ready to attach to existing barn support columns or assemble to create a freestanding horse stall structure.
Pre-welded panels are often pricier during the sales process when compared to kit horse stalls. This is because there is a significant amount welding and fabrication during the manufacturing process. Pre-welded horse stall panels do help save time, labor, and cost during installation though. Fully welded stall panels can drop the installation time from 10+ man hours for a kit horse stall to about two man-hours for a fully welded system. This cost consideration brings the cost comparison to be much closer at the end.
In addition, pre-welded frames, partitions, and horse stall fronts add the benefit of greater strength because of additional welding across all components. Lastly, fully welded horse stalls also come in two predominant styles:
You will use your stall front and stall door thousands of times – opening it, closing it, leaving it open, and everything in-between. That’s why it’s so important to make a well-informed decision. As with any option, each stall front type comes with its pros and cons.
Hinged Stall Fronts & Stall Doors
Hinged stall doors are traditionally more common than sliding doors.
That being said, hinged stall doors tend to be less practical than sliding doors because they must swing outwards into the barn aisle. This means that your barn aisle must be fairly wide – even more so if you have two rows of stalls directly facing each other.
If you are considering hinged stall doors, we suggest to consider the following:
Horse Sliding Stall Fronts & Stall Doors
While sliding doors don’t have the open appearance of a hinged stall door, they are still great investments for your horse stalls for many reasons. Sliding doors are a fantastic addition to any barn as they save space since the door doesn’t swing outward into the barn aisle. This space-saving feature makes sliding doors a perfect choice for especially busy facilities.
Most importantly, we tend to prefer sliding doors on stall fronts when possible. We prefer sliding doors over hinged doors primarily for safety reasons – including:
Horse Stall Partitions
Similar to a horse kit stall, fully welded stalls consist of the stall front and the stall partitions.
Fully welded stall partitions, otherwise known as divider walls, serve the same function as a stall kit partition. Clients often choose the fully welded frame as it provides a more finished look to your horse barn's interior. Fully welded partitions also serve an added function for breeding purposes. Unlike a kit partition, we can add a hinged component to a stall partition and allow it to function as a removable divider to make a larger foaling stall.
In any case, you should factor in the following elements when making your decision on the partition design:
There are 3 common designs in fully welded stall partitions including:
Do you have more questions to determine what is best for your farm and barn? If so, please feel free to give our team a call and we would love to help in any way. You can contact us at (855) 957-8255.
October 26, 2020
September 09, 2020
As of September 2020, it is safe to say that we are living in unprecedented times with plenty of change. In the middle of this change, one thing does remain the same though. That one thing is barn safety protocols.
The fall season is the perfect time to start your preparations for winter. The days are usually cooler. There are less insects in the area or died off. In short, the fall time makes the perfect conditions for getting the barn ready for use over the winter. A simple, yet thorough inspection of your horse barn can help you keep your barn safe this winter.
Here are five things we recommend to do to prepare the barn for winter:
1. Deep Clean All Horse Stall Equipment
Clean horse stall equipment goes a long way in any season, but it is even more important to thoroughly clean in preparation for the winter. We recommend to remove bedding from the summer and early fall. Use agricultural lime or stall drying products to dry up any wet spots. Clean and remove all dangerous cobwebs, debris, and general clutter. Double check all electrical appliances (i.e. fans, heaters, etc) of any flammable buildup.
2. Inspect Bulbs and Electrical Components
No matter the age (or condition) of your barn, we recommend to schedule inspections on your wiring and electrical outlets. A thorough inspection includes the clearing of dust, debris, and cobwebs. Replace any blown bulbs and check wires for fraying.
We also recommend to outfit your barn with battery-powered (or solar powered) flashlights to provide safe access to your barn during power outages. Please note that all outlets or frayed wiring should be immediately repaired by a licensed professional.
3. Inspect and Clean Your Feed Room
Chilly fall evenings are often a cue for rodents to look for extra food. Before you know, a horse barn's feed room can be an ideal outlet for rodent. For this reason, we recommend to clean up your feed room to help reduce the risk of rodents and insects. Sweep up spilled feed that will attract your unwanted guest.
Inspect your storage containers to make sure the lids seal tight. We recommend metal trash cans or metal bins instead of plastic bins that can be chewed through by rodents. Lastly, if you store hay in your feed room, use pallets that allow for better air circulation.
4. Prepare & Check Water Supply
Keep an eye on the water trough and take measures to prevent any and all freezing. A high-quality heating device is a sound investment and can help ensure your horse is well hydrated through the winter months.
Alternatively, if you use hoses, check the hoses for any leaks. Replace or add on to the existing hose length. Lastly, while the consumption of snow is generally not a health hazard for horses, it is not a good substitute for fresh water. It will not prevent your horse from getting dehydrated over the winter.
5. Check for Drafts and Superior Ventilation
Ventilation is essential for a horse's overall health and specifically lung health. However, large drafts can be dangerous in temperature regulation. For older barns, we recommend that your barn structure. This means to check Barn End Doors and Barn Windows to cover any holes that let in too much air. Replace any broken Barn Doors, Barn Windows, Dutch Doors, or faulty door latches.
That being said, please remember that airflow is still critical in any barn even during winter months. Good ventilation can help reduce respiratory ailments among your horses. For this reason, we also recommend to inspect your existing stall doors, stall fronts, and other components to ensure they allow for maximum ventilation within the barn.
This list is far from an exhaustive lists since you can always do more to get ready for the winter. That being said, we recommend to start here so we we aren’t playing catch up during a winter storm. A thorough and mindful inspection can make sure to keep your horses happy and healthy this winter!
July 27, 2020
One of the most important components in your barn are your horse stall’s doors.
If built right and maintained well, your stall doors will last you for at least fifteen years. During its lifespan, you will likely open and close the stall doors thousands of times. That is why it is so important to spend time in making your decision.
Based on our fifteen years of manufacturing experience, we'd like to share some best practices and opinions on stall doors.
Swinging Doors or Sliding Doors?
There are only two types of stall doors: sliding doors and hinged doors that swing out. Although there are pros and cons to each door (learn more here), we generally recommend sliding stall doors to clients who are either building a new barn or refurbishing an existing barn.
In our experience, well-made sliding stall doors are the way to go for both efficiency and safety. A sliding stall door allows you to save time in opening and closing the door every time the horse is turned out. Whether you have a four stall barn or a twenty-two stall barn, this will save loads of time in handling horses.
In regards to safety, sliding horse stalls are easier to open and close. In the event of a fire or other emergency, a human handler can easily slide open the stall doors, lock them in place, and attend to other stalls. In contrast, hinged stall doors pose a safety hazard when left unlatched in an aisleway. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you consider a sliding horse stall door for your next stalls project.
Steel or Wood?
Many older barns tend to have stall doors that are entirely or primarily constructed from wood. Although there is a certain charm to wooden doors, we always recommend steel frame stall doors. If you would like the look of wood, we can certainly insert U-Channels into the steel frame to accept tongue and groove lumber.
Steel Bars, Mesh, or Full Lumber?
In today’s market, there are so many different design options when it comes to steel bars, steel mesh, and lumber choices. In general, we always recommend prioritizing safety, airflow, and functionality before aesthetics.
For this reason, we almost always prefer stall doors with vertical steel bars and/or steel mesh to enable visibility and ventilation in a barn. Please note that we always recommend vertical steel bars as opposed to horizontal steel bars because horizontal steel bars pose a safety risk for legs to get caught. We also recommend that you choose a manufacturer that uses 1” round bars for their vertical steel bars placed on 3” centers. This ensures that the vertical bars are not placed with a 2” (or less) spacing. This prevents any hooves from getting stuck and injured.
One of our favorite designs has steel bars on top (for visibility) and steel mesh on the bottom (for strength). The vertical steel bars allow for visibility while the mesh bottom provides structural strength.
At the end of the day though, once you take into account all of the safety considerations, the final design is a matter of personal preference. Your stall door’s design can be all mesh, all steel bars, or a combination of both components.
Centered Door or Off-Centered Door?
Throughout the world, we see plenty of barns that have stalls with either centered stall doors and doors placed to the left or right. Based on our experience, we always recommend placing the door in the middle of the horse stall front.
The centered position allows both ends of the horse stall to have a functional use for water and feed. From a handling perspective, we also recommend for the stall door slide to the left. This way, you can have your horse in your right hand while using your left hand to operate the door. Once you are in the stall, you can easily close the stall door with your free hand. When we design our horse stall equipment, these details are important to allow for safe and efficient design. At the end of the day, it is crucial for design to be safe for the horse and the handler.
Yoke Opening or No Opening?
For starters, a “yoke” is the opening in a horse stall’s door that allows a horse to hang their head outside of the stall door.
For many cases, we do recommend stall doors with yoke openings. The yoke allows for an elegant aesthetic, increased socialization, and increased ventilation.. The yoke opening provides a nice, elegant aesthetic to any barn. It also provides horse owners the peace of mind as a horse owner can just look down the aisle to see their happy horse safely in their stall. The yoke will allow the horse to peek its head out to stay attuned to its surroundings and socialize with fellow animals. We especially recommend yokes if the partitions are solid (full wood). Please note that we advise that customers only use a yoke door when their aisleways are at least 14’ in width.
Lastly, the yoke opening is equally functional from a practical perspective. If your horse stall does not have a feed door or opening, the stall’s yoke can be used to place hay in the stall.
That all being said, we do realize that yoke doors are not for everyone. At the end of the day, it’s a matter of personal preference in terms of aesthetics, safety, and your horse's behavior and personality.
Do you have more questions regarding your existing stall doors or a new stalls project? Contact us today and our team would be happy to assist with any questions and project planning.
July 01, 2020
Getting ready to purchase an equestrian property is an exciting time.
In anticipation, it is crucial to understand every bit of the equestrian property before you invest your hard earned dollars – whether you are a serious competitor, back yard owner, or want to run your own equestrian business.
To provide expert insight, we are joined by Shannon Gilmore from Washington Fine Properties. "With over 16 years in real estate she takes an individualized approach to each transaction, tailored to her clients’ unique needs and specifications." Shannon provides her clients a deep seated knowledge of equestrian properties as she owns her horses and is also a VADA Member Virginia Dressage Association.
Whether you are in the market for your first property or closing on your sixth property, here are 3 major areas to consider before writing an offer or starting the search:
Owning a horse property can be a wonderful experience. Everyone’s needs are different so consider what you want, what you can live with, and maybe what you will add later. I currently live with my 3 horses Bella, Nikki, and Blue in Philomont Virginia where I sell residential property and yes, horse farms.
Have more questions? You can directly get in touch with Shannon Gilmore at Washington Fine Properties website.
June 17, 2020
Barn-entry doors are one of the first features you notice upon entering a horse farm, making them a crucial design element. Whether for a private or commercial barn, the right doors enhance both aesthetics and functionality. Key considerations include ventilation and natural light—both essential for horse health and barn comfort.
June 01, 2020
Horse stalls are one of the first things that our clients begin to think about when they plan their upcoming barn project.
Chances are, you know exactly the look you'd like in your barn.
In the world of horse stalls, there are thousands of stall styles. In this ocean of choices, there are only two types of stall doors – sliding doors and hinged doors. Although it may not seem like it, your stall door choice is one the most important decisions when it comes to your horse barn. You will use your horse stall door thousands of times – opening it, closing it, leaving it open, and everything in-between.
That's why it's important to make a well-informed decision. As with any option, each door type comes with its pros and cons.
Hinged stall doors tend to be more common than sliding doors.
That being said, hinged stall doors tend to be less practical than sliding doors. This is because they must swing out into the barn aisle. This means that your barn aisle must be fairly wide to accommodate the standard 48" wide horse stall door. If you are considering hinged stall doors, we suggest to consider the following:
Aisle Width: The aisle should be wide enough to allow for the hinged door to safely open and close.
Aisle Leveling: The aisle needs to be tempered and leveled. This is crucial since the bottom of a stall door can get stuck on uneven flooring. This is why we recommend to allow for an inch of clearance between the barn floor and the horse stall door's bottom. If your barn aisle is full of hills and bumps, we would advise against a hinged horse stall door.
At the end of the day, hinged horse stalls can provide your barn that elegant and traditional look.
While sliding doors don't have the open appearance of a European (hinged) stall door, they are still great investments for your horse barn.
For starters, sliding doors are a fantastic because they save valuable space. This is because the sliding horse stall door doesn't swing outward into the barn aisle. This space-saving feature makes sliding doors a perfect fit for busy facilities including horse boarding barns, training barns, and large venues.
Most importantly, we recommend sliding horse stall doors because of their safety advantage. Below are some thoughts and considerations:
Learn more reasons why you should choose a sliding horse stalls.
Despite the pros and cons, each horse stall door can function at a high level in terms of safety, day-to-day operations, and the overall look. Do you have more questions about stall components or barn safety in general? Contact an American Stalls team member today!
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